Self Adherent Wraps

1. Unwind approximately 12 inches of self adherent wrap from the core and let it fall slack.
2. With minimal tension apply one full wrap with the edges overlapping.

3. Continue Wrapping, always unwinding the self adherent wrap from the core before going around. Use an appropriate amount of tension to achieve the desired compression for your application. Avoid excessive tension as this may cause injury.

4. Once finished with the application, any excess wrap can be cut off or torn off. Secure the end of the application by carefully pressing the self adherent wrap.
- DO NOT apply the self Adherent wrap too tightly. This can lead to impaired circulation which can result in serious injury. This risk is higher for children.
- DO NOT place the self adherent wrap directly over an open wound as this could lead to infection.
- Monitor the area every few hours for changes in sensation, including tingling, numbness, pain, swelling or discolouration. If this happens, remove the wrap immediately and consult your health care provider.
- This product is single use only. Do not reuse.
- For sterile product, do not use if package is open or damaged.
- Store self adherent wraps in a clean, dry space at room temperature.
- Store self adherent wraps in packaging until ready to use.
- The shelf life for each sterile self adherent wrap is indicated on the packaging.
Specifications and availability may change without notice, please see your dealer. PRIMED makes no claims, representations, or warranties, either expressed or implied about the suitability of any products listed above for any specific medical purpose. It is contingent among the user to evaluate the anticipated need and to select the appropriate product to meet that need and apply the device in an approved manner.
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