Earloop Mask
General Uses
Surgical and procedure masks are generally used to reduce the risk of pathogen transfer between individuals. Masks accomplish this by covering the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, lungs with filtering materials and eyes where applicable with a visor. They can be used as protection for asymptomatic individuals or as away to contain droplets from symptomatic individuals; however no mask completely eliminates the risk of exposure to blood or body fluids.
Best Practices
Medical face masks are considered “single-use” products and should be worn for one procedure or patient only. Surgical and procedure masks are not respirators and are not designed to create a complete seal or replace N95s.Masks should be regarded as contaminated after use and discarded according to hospital policies. When it is safe to do so, masks should be replaced if they become wet, soiled, torn, or dislodged in any way.
Donning Instructions
- Thoroughly wash and dry your hands.
- Remove the mask from its packaging. Hold the mask with the outer layer out. The outer layer will be facing up and is usually coloured. This layer should be away from your face when donned.
- With the pleats folding down, grasp the top of the mask at the center of the metal nose piece. Pull the bottom edge of the mask to open the pleats.
- Place the mask against your face with the nose piece centered on the bridge of your nose. Press the nose piece to the bridge of your nose and along your cheekbones to shape the mask to your face.
- Pull the ear loops over your ears.
- Press the nose piece to your face one more time to ensure a secure fit.
Doffing Instructions
- Thoroughly wash and dry your hands.
- Release the mask by pulling the earloops back over your ears. Avoid touching other parts of the mask to prevent contamination.
- Dispose in an appropriate waste container.
How do I know if my earloop mask is on correctly?
Related Resources
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